Breaking Dawn Wedding Was Nearly Filmed for Eclipse?!

Tue, 30/11/2010 - 18:15 | by twicrackaddicts

Say it ain't so Melissa Rosenburg!
According to Next Movie, Eclipse director, David Slade nearly shot the Breaking Dawn wedding scene for the third installment of the saga O_o

“We discussed a lot of the things at the script-writing stage — at one point, we were even going to shoot the wedding at the end of ["Eclipse"] but we knew there was another film coming,” Slade tells NextMovie exclusively.“We knew that a lot of that could go into the next film. And we just made the most concise version of this story that we could.”

I see what they might have been going for but I'm glad they didn't rearrange the series - me thinks Stephenie Meyer stepped in ;)
And, even though it's like 6846720462842692872970264 days away, I'm kinda enjoying the wait for Edward and Bella's big day :D
- Lorabell
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