Bryce Dallas – Howard: How Robert Pattinson chipped his teeth

Sat, 02/01/2010 - 15:19 | by

In a new interview with Bryce Dallas – Howard, the red haired beauty has revealed how Robert Pattinson chipped his tooth. Whilst working for the third film, Eclipse, Bryce was able to meet the Brit actor where he shared how he chipped his tooth.

“I actually came out to him that I was totally nervous about [meeting him],” the redhead said. “He’s such a sweet young man, and there’s such a distinctive difference between him and Edward Cullen. He does such a wonderful job embodying that character, and bringing that character to life. But when you meet him, he’s such a down-to-earth, humble person, you feel bad freaking out around him.”

Yahoo has also posted a new interview with Bryce, where she talked about her new film as well as part of a Hollywood family. Here is an excerpt:

Q: With everything on your plate, you seem to be leading an almost parallel life to your father’s.

A: “We’re very, very similar, but these are genuine interests of mine. I’m not just trying to be like him. I can’t ignore the fact that I have the greatest mentor possible for the things that I’m interested in. I’ve had an amazing chance to have a type of apprenticeship with my father — to learn from him and to work with him. It’s been the most positive, healthy, nurturing and challenging experience of my life.”


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