Bryce Dallas-Howard: The new face of Kate Spade

Wed, 05/01/2011 - 02:22 | by

Bryce Dallas Howard has been chosen as the new face of Kate Spade.

According to Bryce,

“The Kate Spade offer came up and I kind of lost my mind. There’s something about that brand that, from a young age, I really, really, really connected with. It was always the thing I wanted for Christmas…since I was 15 or 16,” said Howard. “It represents a lifestyle that I always really loved.…It’s my first experience [in an ad campaign]. But I wouldn’t have been good otherwise.…It just would have been obvious if I weren’t into the brand.”

Deborah Llyod, president and CCO of the brand,

“We’ve been looking for someone to have a partnership with, as opposed to a flirtation. We loved her, and that she grew up with the brand.…She’s not just a pretty face. She’s a multitalented woman, which represented the brand very well.”


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