Cam Gigandet debuts 'Priest'

Mon, 26/07/2010 - 20:12 | by Eyes of Amber

Cam Gigandet has been busy since 'Twilight' and he debuted his new movie 'Priest' at Comic- Con.  This new movie also deals with the theme of vampires but Cam says it is very different from 'Twilight';

"I play Sheriff Hicks," he said. "I'm the sheriff of a small town where my girlfriend gets kidnapped by this pack of vampires, so I enlist Paul Bettany's, Priest's, help, and we are on the road to find and rescue her."
Gigandet said that, although there are vampires involved in the movie, fans expecting the romantic "Twilight"-style vamps will be in for a shock.
"It's very, very different from 'Twilight,' " he said. "The similarities kind of end with what they're called, which is vampires."  Gigandet said the world of "Priest," directed by Scott Charles Stewart, is also entirely different. "The world Scott created is kind of unlike any other," he said. "Sometimes it was hard to visualize what he had in his mind, but I've seen clips, and its unbelievable. ... Just to work with all of these people, they're such an amazing cast. I didn't have any doubts [about taking on another vampire-related role]."

Read the full article HERE and check out the video below;

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