Chris Weitz Defends She-Pirate

Thu, 10/12/2009 - 04:21 | by

Stolen Twilight: The She-Pirate Saga continues today at Movieline with a very interesting development in the case of Samantha Tumpach, the New Moon-themed birthday party attendee now facing hard prison time for videotaping the movie (among other things, including the singing of “The Birthday Song,”) in an Illinois movie theater. Summit Entertainment continues to be tight-lipped about the incident, but one sparkly prince has come to her rescue: New Moon director Chris Weitz. Distraught over what he deemed to have been an unfair she-piratehunt, Weitz sent an e-mail to the Chicago Sun-Times:

“Needless to say, the case seems to me terribly unfair and I would like to do what I can to address this,” Weitz wrote in an e-mail.

“There is, needless to say, a difference between trying to protect the copyright of a film and making an unfair example of someone who clearly seems not to have any intentions towards video piracy,” Weitz wrote. “I am not sure what effect I would have on the case,” he wrote, noting “the film is, after all, not my property.”

Needless to say, having said that, it is what is it — though it certainly couldn’t hurt Ms. Tumpach to have the support of the very auteur of the half-billion-earning work she purportedly pilfered come so publicly to her defense. Her court date is Dec. 17.


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