In an interview with Marie Claire UK, David Slade disclosed that during the filming of the Bella/Edward Bed Scene, the set was closed.
‘This stuff is always awkward to shoot, and you just have to get people really comfortable with each other,’ he said.’We do it as a closed set. There’s no giggling and joking around, and everybody treats it very professionally – that’s just the way it works.’
‘They didn’t seem to be nervous, they were fine with each other,’ David revealed.’We shot that on the very last night and it just seemed to go wonderfully. It just flowed beautifully.’
He also talked about Eclipse and the success of the Twilight Saga.
‘This was the most mature film,‘ David said. ‘We really wanted to address the sex issue, as we didn’t want Edward to come across as a prude.‘But Eclipse does suggest that perhaps there can be a natural rhythm to a relationship and you don’t have to jump into it straight away.’
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