Director Jake Scott on Kristen Stewart

Thu, 21/10/2010 - 05:06 | by

During the New York premiere of Welcome to the Riley’s, director Jake Scotthas nothing but kind words and praises for Kristen Stewart.

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“That’s like Meryl Streep stuff, you know?” he told MTV News. “I know that she put a lot of herself into that role,” he said. “She was exposing herself emotionally. In order to do that, you have to put yourself there. It was an act of courage on her part, especially considering she was only 18.”

“She’s grown up,” he said. “She’s a woman now. She was a girl when I first met her. I’ve now known her probably three years. She’s just becoming this wonderful woman.”

Her co-star Melissa Leo also has praises for Kristen.

“I met Kristen at a very special time,” she said. “She had just done ‘Twilight.’ She had been acting for a while. She has always carefully chosen her roles. Playing the character, she was acting for the first time as an emancipated actor. It was a treat for James and I to watch her spread her wings.”


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