Emilie de Ravin: Working with Rob and filming Remember Me

Tue, 09/02/2010 - 03:06 | by twilight-movie.org

Australian actress Emile De Ravin was interviewed by Tribute.Ca, where she talked about her two new projects, Remember Me and the upcoming last season of her hit TV series, Lost. Emilie recounts whats it like working with Robert, the paparazzi they have to deal with everyday and what attracted her to the script. Here is an excerpt:

While you were filming, there seemed to be a lot of paparazzi around because of Robert’s fame from Twilight. How did you guys deal with that?
Um, yeah, you know, it took a little getting used to. We really shot the majority of the film on location, you know, in and around Manhattan so there’s just people everywhere anyway. It got a little hectic at times!

It must have been a bit distracting.
The first day I was sort of like, “Oh my God. How am I going to focus?” And you know there were times that we were rehearsing and you can’t even sort of think about what you’re doing. You feel all these eyes on you and you become very suddenly self-conscious about what’s going on as opposed to being in your own little world of the character.

What’s it like working with Robert Pattinson?
He’s such a nice, genuine, great guy as a person. And you know that’s always nice when you’re working with someone you get along with. [He's] very giving. We sort of worked on stuff a lot together and we’d talk about things and really developed our characters together as much as we could. And that’s a real give and take thing if you’ve got one person not wanting to do that and one that does—it sort of creates a bit of conflict. But we were both sort of on the same page with everything, which was great.

Being on the same page, did that help with your chemistry? How do you know things would work out well with the both of you?
Yeah, well you know, I guess you don’t really a lot of the time, do you? I tested for this with Rob so I guess they see whether your interpretation of the character and his interpretation are going to go together. But then there’s also that you can change it up a bit too to make it work better or bring it back. It’s an interesting question because it is something that I think comes more from really just getting along with that person and liking that person as opposed to sort of someone who really annoys you.

To read the rest of her interview, click on the link above.


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