Furry Friday Spotlight: Chaske Spencer

Sat, 17/04/2010 - 05:38 | by Eyes of Amber

I've found that the New Moon wolf pack members tend to blend together for me, so I figured we here at EoA would get to know each of the actors in preparation for Eclipse. Who better to start with than the very actor who plays wolf pack leader, Sam Uley?

First, it should be noted that Chaske Spencer's name is pronounced "Chess-Kay". Like his character in New Moon, Chaske is of Native American descent, though of the Lakota Sioux tribe. I personally had never seen him in another movie, but his list of roles is substantial and growing. On a very interesting side note, "Sam" is not his first supernatural character. Ironically, he played the lead role in an off-broadway show of Dracula. He was discovered while acting on stage in New York City, and from there has done several feature films. He will soon start working on a couple of new projects, Shouting Secretsand Winter in the Blood.

35-year-old Chaske is very involved with United Global Shift, which is a very innovative organization whose mission is to cause "a united global shift in what is possible for humanity, focusing on the environment, employment, entrepreneurship, health and education. A shift from survival and scarcity to possibility, partnership and peace." When he's not working or helping out UGS, Chaske has a wide variety of interests, from sky diving to Native American politics. He lives in NYC, where he shares a house with Five O'Clock Heroes bassist, Adam Morse.
Of course, his preparations for playing Sam are grueling. In addition to all the weight training, he had to eat seven protein meals a day to prepare for New Moon. Today on Facebook, Chaske posted "Dude, my trainer is hardcore...worked on my wolf pack...i mean six pack. happy friday!" More signs that Breaking Dawn is on its way!
Oh, and did I mention that Mr. Spencer is single? You can follow him on twitter as well.

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