FX Obtains Cable Rights To Twilight

Wed, 25/11/2009 - 06:21 | by touchedbytwilight

Summit Entertainment made a deal with FX who now has the cable rights to The Twilight Saga:

Vampires are set to descend on FX. On the heels of “New Moon’s” sizzling opening weekend, the cabler has struck a deal with Summit Entertainment for basic cable rights to the red-hot pics in the “Twilight” franchise.

“New Moon,” the second of the four planned pics, bowed to the third-best opening weekend of all time with $142.8 million.

Cabler’s purchase also includes theatrical rights to 2008’s “Twilight”; the forthcoming third installment, “Eclipse”; and the planned fourth pic, “Breaking Dawn.”

Deal between FX and Summit is standard in that pricetag will be 10%-12% of the domestic box office take, but with a cap.

Summit’s deal with FX also includes rights to well-reviewed Iraq war pic “The Hurt Locker,” as well as “Knowing” and “Push.”

“Twilight,” the first book of the series from Stephenie Meyer that was adapted into a film, earned $191 million when it was released a year ago. FX can begin airing the pic in late 2011.

The window for “New Moon” starts in late 2012, and “Eclipse,” which is scheduled for a June 30, 2010, theatrical release, will have its basic cable debut in 2013.

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