Gallery Update!

Mon, 16/11/2009 - 04:26 | by touchedbytwilight

Hey everyone! So I thought I’d get us caught up on some of the latest images related to the cast. I promise you this took quite awhile to put together so I hope that you all enjoy!! Make sure you read the little tidbit above the Time Out London images!

x 9 Twilight Saga Cast > Ashley Greene > Photoshoots > Maxim (Website)

x 8 New Moon: The Movie > Merchandise > BK Merchandise

x 6 New Moon: The Movie > Cast Photoshoots > 11.20.09 Entertainment Weekly Shoot

x 12 Twilight Saga Cast > Cast Albums > Kristen Stewart > Photoshoots > Cast Portrait Session

Interesting fact direct from a source at Time Out London – You’ll notice there are TWO covers of Kristen in this gallery. That’s because she didn’t like the first cover photo so she requested another be taken. Below is the re-take.
x 4 New Moon: The Movie > Magazine Scans > Time Out London

x 8 New Moon: The Movie > Magazine Scans > Entertainment Weekly

x 5 New Moon: The Movie > Magazine Scans > Famous Magazine

x 56 New Moon: The Movie > Press & Events > Madrid Fan Event

x 60 New Moon: The Movie > Press & Events > Germany Fan Event

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