Getting to know Tyson Houseman

Wed, 13/01/2010 - 02:02 | by has an exclusive interview with Tyson Houseman, one of the Quileute wolf pack members in New Moon. Tyson shared his thoughts about the fans, filming in Vancouver and many more. Here is an excerpt of his interview:

Q: Do you have a lot of scenes with Taylor Lautner in Eclipse?

A: I had a few scenes with Taylor, and he was really fun to work with. It was great having the opportunity to work with actors who have been doing it for a long time; it really helped with my own work.

Q: Before you were announced as an official cast member for the series, you were spotted with co-stars on the streets of Vancouver. Was that your first encounter with the paparazzi?

A: Yes, that was my first. It was an eerie feeling that they were actually there to take pictures of me, and of the rest of the guys. It gave me a taste of what being apart of this phenomenon would be like.

Q: In the fan community, there are two traits that are typically assigned to you – shyness and intelligence. Do you agree with that? Why or why not?

A: Well I’m flattered about the intelligence part! I guess I am probably a bit of a shy person when first meeting people, but once you get to know me I can be quite outgoing. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.

To read the rest of his interview, click on the link above.


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