Tyson Houseman

Jackson joins the Twilight Convention 2011 Tour!

Tue, 23/11/2010 - 01:35 | by Eyes of Amber

Creation Entertainment has announced that Jackson will join the Twilight Convention tour for stops in 2011. Jackson will be on the tour for four dates (listed below).

Jackson & 100 Monkeys Confirmed for TwiTour Appearances!

Sat, 20/11/2010 - 23:47 | by twicrackaddicts

Woooah, Jackson and his band 100 Monkeys have confirmed not one, not two but four appearances at Creation Entertainment's TwiTour Twilight convention!

New 'Breaking Dawn' cast members Tweet!

Tue, 05/10/2010 - 04:22 | by Eyes of Amber

Two of the new 'Breaking Dawn' cast members are 'tweeters'! Mia Maestro (Carmen) and MyAnna Buring are both on twitter and join numerous other cast members who tweet. Follow Mia here (@miamaestro) and MyAnna here(@myannaburing)

Taylor talks to his abs?!

Sat, 26/06/2010 - 01:46 | by Eyes of Amber

Taylor "Talks To His Abs" Says Eclipse Wolfpack Co-Star

The werewolves in Eclipse are known for their abs of steel, and RadarOnline.com has learned the secret of how hunky Taylor Lautner gets ripped and ready for his sexy scenes.

Tyson Houseman joins Twitter

Tue, 18/05/2010 - 16:58 | by Eyes of Amber

Tyson Houseman who plays Quil Aterra in the saga has joined twitter. You can follow him here.

Welcome to twitter Tyson!

Rob, Kristen and Taylor to attend Twilight Convention on June 11 – 13

Thu, 13/05/2010 - 03:23 | by twilight-movie.org

With Eclipse just around the corner, Summit Entertainment is gearing up for the release of the third Twilight movie, Eclipse. Aside from appearances in several television talk shows, Summit Entertainment is also gearing the cast to appear in next month’s Official Twilight Saga Convention.

PFach Not Playing Vampire Baseball

Thu, 11/03/2010 - 15:41 | by chasingcullens.com

While “Twilight’s” Peter Facinelli is out, Nelsan Ellis, who plays the fabulous fry cook, Lafayette, on “True Blood,” has joined

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