Hello TwiCrackers!

Thu, 31/05/2012 - 06:02 | by twicrackaddicts

Hey yall! MyAfterCar here. I'm thrilled to be on board at TCA!

I read Twilight in November of 2008, and shortly thereafter I had read all four (and a half) books and was googling all things Twi like a madwoman, needing MORE. I stumbled upon this blog in March of 2009, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Three years later, I've logged about a gazillion hours on Twilight blogs, am single-handedly responsible for probably half of TCA's hits (yes, there were days when I hit refresh at least ten - okay, twenty - times), have made the trek to Forks (twice!), own a full-sized cardboard cutout AND a miniature action figure of a fictional vampire... the list goes on and on. I have a VERY tolerant husband. I even got my Mom hooked (hey Mom!).

Anyway, I'm a huge fan and I'm ecstatic to be here!

Now, back to the importent stuff: Rob, Kristen, SWATH, and the countdown to BD2!

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