Ikea = 1, Snarkier Than You = 0

Tue, 10/05/2011 - 05:30 | by twitarded

So I was going to write something really clever but instead I spent the night putting together a bed that I bought at Ikea over the weekend and well, that shit sucks. Plus I am a little drinky, because if you don't have a couple of drinks while assembling Swedish furniture with names you can't pronounce, you'll be upset when you get done and you have a bunch of random pieces left over. Me? I'm not upset. And I have a few random unidentifiable bolts and things to add to my McGyver box. That's where I toss all my might-be-useful-someday random stuff in the hopes that I'll be able to build a rocket ship to escape the zombie apocalypse when the time comes (note: I hear May 21 is the big day, but I may have my facts mixed up).

Anyhoo, I'm flaking out tonight, so please to enjoy this video from Robzsinger (via VitaminR70) - I can't get it to play on my computer, but word on the street is that it's smokin'!

Robert Pattinson's Naughty Side by ROBZSINGER

I also found a nice early-RPatts-b-day vid on YouTube, but apparently YouTube has changed how you embed videos because I can't seem to figure out how to make it go. You can find it here if you need a little eye candy. If anyone wants to tell me what I'm doing wrong, have at in in the comments. Please.

The way everything seems to be not working for me tonight, I'll be pleasantly surprised if my bed doesn't collapse tonight as I sleep, but I think I'm going to go try my luck... Sweet dreams! 

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