So, tonight I was all set to basically bitch about the weather and how standing on a subway platform that smells like the baked inside of a homeless man's underpants really sucks but then Snarkier Than You sent me an email entitled STOP THE PRESSES!! and I watched it and had an orgasm so you get that instead.
The link that was in the email, I mean. Not my orgasm. Go get your own fucking orgasm.
Admittedly I haven't been keeping up much with Bel Ami, mainly because I heard it wasn't getting released in the states anytime soon but... now I NEED to see this movie. RIGHTTHEFUCKNOW. How do we make this go, people?
And if it is being released in the states, feel free to ignore the previous paragraph or mock me relentlessly in the comments. Honestly? I really do live under a rock for the most part.
This movie looks fantastic. Even from the trailer it looks like the Prettah has really amped up his acting chops. And there's going to be sex scenes. With Robert Pattinson.
Let me repeat that in case your eyes were rolling up in the back of your head after watching that trailer.
Sex scenes. Robert Pattinson.
Oh, yes.
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