Jasper and Alice make a Renesmee of their own???

Wed, 27/07/2011 - 03:14 | by twitarded

I love the internet. It's full of news and videos and porn and just millions of other things that make me smile or help me piss away my time uselessly. It's like a one-stop shop for the good, the bad and the maybe-I-should-alert-the-Feds-to-this.

Whenever I'm searching for stuff on the internet, my motto is "the weirder the better". Seriously, if it makes me uncomfortable (and I'm talking more "what-the-fuck-IS-that" uncomfortable, not "it-puts-the-lotion-in-the-basket" uncomfortable) to look at, then I want it.

Of course, the icing on my cake is when I stumble across something totally fucking off the wall AND it somehow has to do with Twilight. This happens often. Rumor has it those Twilight fans are a weird fucking bunch.

And that's why I nearly fell out of my chair in a fit of hysterics the other day when I came across a doll that is supposed to be the likeness of Jasper's and Alice's love child, if they could have had one.


Oh, wait. These are Twilight vampires we're talking about.


To get the whole story on this little bundle of... er... terror, go here. It's worth it, I promise. 

Personally, I kind of want this doll. I also bet if I showed this to ML and told him I was getting it as a conversation piece for a living room, he wouldn't be so disagreeable to my doll-heads-in-a-jar centerpiece that I want for the dining room.

 Right? I don't get why he says it frightens him, either.

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