
Totally spoiler-free BD2 review

Thu, 15/11/2012 - 04:10 | by twicrackaddicts

Hey TwiCrackers!  I'm back from LA and (somewhat) caught up on sleep.  I took hundreds of pictures and I will eventually find the hours needed to upload and edit them, but for now I'll just give you what I know you really want: a spoiler-free review of Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Let's start with the basics.

Breaking Dawn Part 2 cast chat about the movie

Fri, 08/06/2012 - 00:32 | by twicrackaddicts

Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) and Nikki Reed (Rosalie) were interviewed about Breaking Dawn Part 2.  Jackson had pretty much zero to say (but his dimples and smile say PLENTY), but Nikki was a little more forthcoming.  Check it out!

Get More: 2012 Movie Awards, New Movies

Ashley’s New ‘Alice’ Gig on ABC

Fri, 02/03/2012 - 07:26 | by thetwilightfans...

Deadline reports that the actress formerly known as Alice Cullen has just snagged a spot alongside Anthony LaPaglia in “Americana,” a new ABC drama about a newbie fashion designer who upsets the status quo when she comes on board with one of fashion’s most famous family names.

Pondering Breaking Dawn II [Too Soon??? Nah...]

Thu, 19/01/2012 - 04:33 | by twitarded

I know it's been a while, but believe it or not, I'm actually going to write a about something Twilight-related tonight. We know that the Twilighty content has been...light lately, but seriously, YOU try writing about Twilight and Twilight-y related stuff only - five days a week - for THREE YEARS and get back to me. Also, today is Twitarded's three year anniversary. Pretend you are drunk and covered in glitter and confetti and let's move on, shall we?

What Would My Vampire Gift Be?

Sat, 03/12/2011 - 05:02 | by twitarded

Edward reads minds. Alice sees the future. Jasper calms the masses. Jane cripples people with agonizing pain and a bushy-eyed stare. I'm seriously feeling pretty left out in the special abilities category. So I got to thinking...if I were an amazingly gorgeous, sparkly vampire, what would my special gift be? Not that I'm delusional enough to think I'll ever be a vampire -- even though I'm almost there with the pasty white skin -- but work with me here. This is my fantasy.

A TwiCracker's guide to Black Friday shopping - what Twilight merch is on sale where!

Fri, 25/11/2011 - 20:52 | by twicrackaddicts

The Twilight Lexicon posted a few Twitastic Black Friday deals they found including...
Bella's purple flocked bedding which is on sale at Target and includes free shipping!

BD Chapter 18. There Are No Words For This

Sat, 12/11/2011 - 08:15 | by Eyes of Amber

This chapter may have the most perfect title of the entire series because it's just so true...

Key Plot Points from The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide

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