Kristen placed #3 at FHM’s Sexiest Women List

Mon, 31/05/2010 - 02:42 | by

Kristen Stewart was named by FHM as the #3 Sexiest Woman in the World. The magazine, which compiles the list every year has this to say about her:

A simply stunning performance for the 20-year-old star of the $700m-grossing-and-counting Twilight mega franchise. With one movie left in the trilogy (Eclipse), and a BAFTA Rising Star award on her sideboard, the LA-born actress is taking on more challenging roles. First she stars as jailbait rocker Joan Jett in The Runaways, then a Tony Soprano-baiting prostitute in Welcome To The Rileys and finally in K-11 she’ll play Butterfly, a male-to-female transsexual with autism, which ironically is also Twilight’s target demographic.


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