Kristen Stewart: Welcome to the Rileys

Fri, 04/12/2009 - 01:28 | by

After shooting Twilight, Kristen Stewart filmed an independent movie with actor James Gandolfini entitled “Welcome to the Rileys”. Yesterday, the Sundance Film Festival Committee have announced the films that are going to be shown next year and Kristen’s independent film is one of them.

Kirsten plays a stripper/prostitute in the movie who finds redemption and salvation.

Stewart plays a lap dancer and prostitute in the film, which follows a damaged man (Gandolfini) who seeks salvation while on a business trip to New Orleans. Salvation is apparently sought by caring for Stewart’s character, Mallory, a troubled young woman. Gandolfini’s character and his wife (Leo) were driven apart by grief after losing their daughter.

According to Kristen,

“It was just the hardest subject matter I’ve ever had to deal with – I play a very broken young girl who is a runaway. She’s a street kid. She’s working in a strip club and James Gandolfini’s character is just as dead inside as she is – and they wake each other up.”


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