Meet Sam, Marcus and Bobby

Wed, 12/08/2009 - 06:42 | by Eyes of Amber

I’m working on my first set of themed articles for the blog and I’m very excited because I’m going to be writing about one of my favorite subjects. Three young men whose faces never graced the screen during Twilight, but made a huge impression with their soundtrack contributions. I am talking of course about Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.

I’m sure that most of you know there were two songs on the Twilight soundtrack performed by Robert Pattinson. What you may or may not know is where these songs came from. Never Think, the song playing during the restaurant scene, was the product of a Robert and Sam writing session that also produced Sam’s fan favorite, Too Far Gone. The haunting Let Me Sign, which plays as Edward sucks the venom from Bella’s body, was written by Marcus Foster and Bobby Long. The impact these guys made on us in the movie caused fans to seek them out and learn more about them. We may have found them because of Twilight, but we became fans of them because of what we discovered.

If you are not familiar with these guys and their music, you are in for a real treat. How popular are they? The last weekend of July they were all at the inaugural TwiCon in Dallas, Texas, and the meet and greet with them was easily one of the major highlights. That is saying a lot considering that some Twilight cast members were present as well. But of course, since these guys are musicians, meeting them is wonderful, but what do you really want from them? You want to hear them play!

There were a few opportunities to hear them during the convention, but the shining moments came at Poor David’s Pub. On Friday night Marcus and Bobby took the stage, performing not only solo, but also together to perform Sway So Softly. Sam was of course in the audience supporting his buddies and socializing with the fans.

But Saturday night, well that was the trifecta. Back at Poor David’s, all three guys took to the stage. Marcus was up first. Highlights of his performance included the songs In Your Head and You My Love.  The weekend marked his U.S. debut and all reports are that he won over the crowd with his shy stage presence and soulful sound.

Sam was second on stage and was quite the entertainer, as always. In addition to many of the songs we all love, he threw in some great surprises. Since he was in Texas, Sam did his own rendition of Boot Scootin’ Boogie. And in just another demonstration of his incredible range, he also performed crowd favorite, No Diggity.

Bobby was last to take the stage, but certainly not least in performance. Highlights included Left to Lie and Dead and Done, one of my personal favorites. Although each individual performance was outstanding, there was the rare, sweet additional bonus of seeing them perform together. Crowd favorites included I Was Broken, performed by Marcus and Sam, and Crooked Sky, sung by all three!

So come back on Friday to see my first feature on one of these wonderful guys. There is just too much to say about them to cover it all in one post. If I’m introducing you to them, I consider it a privilege. If you are already a fan, I hope I can bring out something new for you to love about them. While you’re waiting, read more about their Dallas performances at Rob My World. She gives a recap of their shows complete with pictures and wonderful videos. Can’t wait for Friday!

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