More Kristen Stewart From EW

Sun, 01/05/2011 - 10:59 | by twicrackaddicts

I am loving Kristen in these EW interviews! --Ashes

For anyone who argues that Breaking Dawn is pushing “pro-life” on people, Kristen defends the film.

“I’m so on Bella’s side,” Kristen tells EW of Bella’s decision to keep her half-vampire baby. “The idea of destroying something they made together that could never happen again… It has nothing to do with the pro-life thing.”

“I just love the idea of her fighting,” she says. “She’s been willing to die for so much, but now you actually see her, well, literally die for it.”

And Kristen, being 21 years old, can understand where Bella was coming from.

“This really could happen to anyone my age,” Kristen explains. “I mean, maybe not the whole vampire thing, but everything else.”

“It didn’t feel like, ‘Oh, how could you have possibly played this? It’s so beyond your years!’ ” Kristen says. “It’s like, ‘Not really, dude. I could f***ing get pregnant tomorrow.’ ”
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