Ms. TCA's Spoiler-Free and Totally Random New Moon Commentary

Fri, 20/11/2009 - 17:13 | by twicrackaddicts

Risking being recognized: Ms. TCA and her BFF Alice

So, New Moon may be getting shizzzy reviews on Rotten Tomatoes (wow - 29%, seriously?), but I saw New Moon last night, and I loved it!! Without giving anything away, here is my incomplete and totally subjective list of stuff that I loved:

1) Edward SPARKLES beautifully in New Moon!!! Not like the glitter-glue effect of Twilight. Somehow, they make RPattz even more gorgeous than he is!

2) Vampire make-up is seamlessly beautiful -- It always killed me that I could see Esme's make-up line end halfway up her forehead in Twilight

3) Bella doesn't blink like she's had too much caffeine this time around; KStew gives a really amazing, compelling performance. Loved her!

4) Superior Special Effects -- Now THIS is how Vampires are supposed to move. The stunts were convincing. I love you Chris Weitz!

5) Holy Jailbait -- Wow, I'm a diehard Team Edward gal, but I think Taylor Lautner was amazing as Jacob and I may have to go Team Switzerland from now on. Taylor was great - and so was the chemistry between him and KStew! Who else almost cried during the heartbreaking you-know-what scene? Sob.


Alright, there is so much more to love, but my addled brain is still on a New Moon high. Lorabell will have her own take too.


If you haven't seen it, run thee to the theater.

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