New Layout / Causes / Upcoming Info

Tue, 15/12/2009 - 03:36 | by touchedbytwilight

Hey everyone!! This place look a little different to you?!? That’s because the amazing Tathy made this beautiful layout for the site!!! You should leave a comment and tell her how much you love the layout too!! So, in honor of the new layout, I’ve changed the layout on our Twitter page!! If you’re not following us, we invite you to! You can also find a link to this page and our Myspace page on our sidebar!

Also, we have a new cause! It’s Royal Family Kids Camps, it’s the nation’s leading network of camps for abused kids. We’re trying to help spread the word about their foundation as it truly is something amazing. There are multiple camps all around the nation that last for a week at a time, where an abused child has the chance to just be a kid again. You can visit their official site to learn more!! You can also check out their fan page or their causes page on Facebook!

Also…we’ll have our new forum opening soon!! For all the adults that loved our 18+ forum, no worries!! We’ll have a section for adults in our new forum! So keep checking back as we’ll let you know as soon as it’s open!!

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