New Moon Movie Mistakes

Wed, 02/12/2009 - 04:38 | by touchedbytwilight

Because we all inevitably find these little incidents when watching movies, here is the list from of what has all been reported thus far for New Moon:

Continuity: When Bella is in the parking lot at school in the beginning, Edward walks toward her. Bella’s hair is neatly pulled off to the side. When he leans in for the kiss it is suddenly stuck to her forehead, and when Edward tells her Jacob wants her, it’s suddenly back to normal.

Continuity: When Charlie is talking to Bella at her truck about her going back to Jacksonville, the large wisps of hair on Bella’s left ear keep changing position and alternate from not / blowing in the wind.

Revealing: Just as Jacob enters Bella’s room through the window, a stunt prop – white band on his right wrist – is briefly visible.

Click here to read the list.

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