Interview Magazine did an interview with Joan Jett where she talked about the upcoming adaptation of her first group’s rise and fall from fame. There were new portraits released along with the interview.
Joan also talked about working with Kristen and how she imitates Joan.
JETT: Well, I found Kristen to be through and through totally professional and just great to be around. I found us to be really, scarily similar, just in our physicality, the way we move through space. The first time we met was a little over a year ago, New Year’s Eve. She came to see us do a concert. We hung out for the whole day, and I just dumped on her about everything I could think about The Runaways-I mean, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I told her all that stuff and how much it meant to me. Then she went off to doNew Moon, and I didn’t see her again until about two weeks beforeThe Runawaysthing started. But she is so authentic. The thing that came through to me was that it was important to her to capture it. She really wanted to nail it. So I gave her all The Runaways music that I could find; I gave her tapes of me talking. . . . When we were together prior to the start of filming, she was staring at me the whole time. And I was fine with it because I knew she was watching my posture, my mannerisms, everything I did, the way I hold my hands, just everything. And she really soaked it in. When we were hanging out together on set, it was like I had a mirror image. Even just sitting around, we’d do the same thing at the same time. It was just great-and it wasn’t creepy. It was wonderfully special.
To read more of Joan’s interview, click on the link above.
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