New White Covers for Twilight Saga Books!

Tue, 10/08/2010 - 21:02 | by twicrackaddicts

Just in time for Christmas, the Twilight Saga books are going to be available in limited edition white covers!"published by Atom on 14th October as £7.99 paperbacks, available only in the UK and Ireland, and Little, Brown's territories including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India. The white editions will not be available in the US.

The white titles will only be published between October and Christmas 2010, replacing the usual black jackets. The titles will have crimson-edged pages and crimson back covers, with text confined to the spines.

A £75 hardback box-set of the Twilight Saga, plus the novella The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, is also being released on 12th October. The paperback edition of the fourth title, Breaking Dawn, is published on 19th August."I'm guessing the US will get some super fantastic sparkly version ;)
Via source
- Lorabell
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