Wile promoting his new movie, The Ghost Writer, Irish Actor Pierce Brosnan talked about his experiencefilming Remember Me with Robert Pattinson.
“I play his dad and there’s a part of you, as a dad — you feel protective toward the fellow,” Brosnan told MTV News.
“It was really bizarre,” he told MTV News. “We were filming in Central Park South and the caravans are there and mine was very quiet and sedate and I’m reading my book and having a nice cup of coffee. Down the other end was Robert with 6,000 girls. I’ve never encountered such a thing.”
“By the time I walked up the steps of the plaza, he’d be coming up behind me and there’d be this cacophony, this blistering sound barrier of girls,” he laughed. “They just love him to bits and he’s a great lad.”
But Pierce has just kind words for the actor.
“He acquits himself really well and he’s got his head on his shoulders,” Brosnan said. “He’s an executive producer on this movie and so, grace under pressure, he’ll move right through this period and have a great time. Just enjoy it. Give a little, get a lot.”
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