Random Video Madness

Mon, 30/05/2011 - 02:30 | by twitarded

Happy Memorial Day weekend to those of you in the States! Hopefully everyone is having a relaxing long weekend. I got to sit down for five uninterrupted minutes earlier and it was glorious. I spent those minutes catching up on the happenings in the Twidom.

Michael Sheen, who played Aro, did a dramatic reading of some Twilight fan fiction on VH1. It was pretty awesome. I would pay to have him read the dictionary to me. "Anus: noun. The excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal. Related: anal" Can someone make this happen?

Video by RoseArcadia

This next video is completely unrelated (just like most items in my posts), but I thought it was hilarious. I lifted it from Thinking of Rob. Robert Sean Leonard has been in a million movies and TV shows, but I will always remember him as Neil in Dead Poets Society. Apparently he played a vampire in a movie I never saw, but will rent immediately. He gives advice to Robert Pattinson (sort of) on playing a vampire and embarks on an extended soliloquy on vampire and werewolf battles. It made me laugh pretty hard, but I'm easily entertained. You be the judge.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

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