Rob’s confirmed for Haiti Telethon

Wed, 20/01/2010 - 03:00 | by

There were rumors last week that Robert Pattinson was high on the priority list of celebrities that are being tapped to helped out in the upcoming Haitian Recovery telethon organized and spearheaded by George Clooney.

E!’s Marc Malkin has confirmed today that Rob will be on board. Rob has agreed to helped out, hosting the telethon from the UK and will be joined by Jay – Z and Bono as musical performers.

I just got word that the Twilight star has signed on for Friday’s Hope for Haiti telethon. As of right now, it looks like Rob will be the sole presenter in London, with performances by Jay-Z and Bono.

He will join other celebrities such as Wycelf John, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Colin Farrell, Anna Kendrick and Courtey Cox to name a few. No word yet if Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will also helped out.


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