Rob on his Best Kiss Idea

Tue, 15/06/2010 - 05:01 | by

Two days ago, we posted a video where Kristen addressed Rob’s idea on what they would do if the won the Best Kiss Award at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. Today, MTV has posted Rob’s response.

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

“I had the best ideas last night, and I was telling everyone, ‘Listen, just leave it to me, I’ve got it all under control.’ … I was telling everyone all these ideas. I gave them a whole selection, and no one thought theywere funny, so then we ended up doing something which didn’t work.”

“The idea of kind of doing this big romantic kiss, like Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did [for 'The Notebook'], I couldn’t do that,” he told MTV News. “I’d be so embarrassed! So I just thought, ‘We better do something dumb.’ But then Kristen didn’t want to do something dumb!”

He also talked about the leg hitch in the movie as well as his future.

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog


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