A Talk with Ashley Greene

Sun, 29/11/2009 - 11:23 | by twilight-movie.org

She maybe one feisty little vampire in the Twilight Series but in reality Ashley Greene is still at awe with the phenomenon she is in: Twilight. Like the rest of the cast, Ashley is still impressed with how many fans are following them and how devoted they are. Ashley sat down with Entertainment Weekly and here is what she has to say:

Are the reactions toTwilightthe same all around the country?

I was impressed in Chicago, actually. Chicago was really, really intense and loud and I think it was one of the bigger responses that we had. But there’s always a lot of people, a lot of passion, a lot of screaming, a lot of crying. So really it’s all measured in terms of how deep the screaming goes.

Was it much different than last year?

I guess it’s more intense. I’m much more comfortable with this whole thing. I didn’t really know what to expect at all when I first got into it. It was my first gig, and so it was a little crazy and I was really nervous. And so now you know the fans are there because they love you and they support you.

What was your most memorable fan encounter?

I’ve had a couple people make me scrapbooks, and that’s kind of an incredible thing because I’m in a midst of this whirlwind right now so there are a lot of things that I miss because we’re in thisTwilightbubble and it’s just go go go. So probably a year after this is all done, we can sit back and look at the scope of it. So it’s nice for them to put a collection of my career and what I’ve been going through together. That’s really special.

Why do you think fans are so obsessed?

I think with vampires, you can’t really go wrong. For generations, vampires have been a hit because they’re unobtainable, mysterious, sensual, dangerous, kind of sexy. Then Stephanie Meyer added a Romeo-and-Juliet love story to this fantasy world. Edward happens to be a vampire but he’s very much that gentleman who opens doors and says everything a girl wants to hear and he’s basically the epitome of perfection. And then you have Bella, this normal, everyday girl, which a lot of us are, and she steals this vampire’s heart. So everyone wants their Edward and everyone wants to be Bella.

To read the rest of her interview, click on the link above.


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