Yesterday, the Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide was released. Fans were given new information about the characters of the saga and possibly a glimpse of the wedding dress that Kristen Stewart may wear in the movie.
As exciting this maybe to the fans, MTV and The Examiner has listed down 5 Thingsthat fans who havent purchased their copy can look forward to.
Flip No. 1: Page 146
Here we find ourselves in the midst of Renesmee Carlie Cullen’s biography (gosh, that illustration of her on page 145 is just too darn cute!). The big take away? Renesmee “doesn’t have a vehicle yet.” As it should be. The last time I lent my Honda Civic to a newborn it came back in pretty shabby shape.
Flip No. 2: Page 267
When we hear the name “Stefan” in a bloodsucking context, our minds automatically jump to the “Vampire Diaries” dreamboat. But our second flip reminded us that the “Twilight Saga” has its own vampire Stefan. The ancient and rather short (5′ 3″!) undead is one of only two members of the original Romanian coven. OMG! STEFAN IS AN ORIGINAL! STEFAN IS AN ORIGINAL! (Sorry for the “Vampire Diaries” pun. We’ll now return you to your regularly scheduled “Twilight” post…)
Flip No. 3: Page 78
Rule-breakers beware: This portion is all about Vampire Law. Dun, dun, dun. Most of it relates to the naughty, naughty habit of creating immortal children, but we did find it intriguing that vampires don’t write their laws down because that would be “an infraction.” Man, lighten up, guys. Oh, wait…
Flip No. 4: Page 371
This page features a lovely water-colored canoe. And that’s about it.
Flip No. 5: Page 267
Oops, we flipped to the same page again. Sorry.
Flip No. 5.5: Page 195
Oh yes, the Denali coven. Those minxes! Actually, according to the “Official Illustrated Guide,” the bloodsucking habits of these man manipulators “earned them a place in human legend as the succubus.” I wonder what Georgina Kincaid would have to say about that?
Some of Stephenie Meyer’s best interviews to date have taken place in the context of comfort; like when she promoted Eclipse by bringing in fansite representatives to scour the Twilight universe for lingering questions, or when she spoke to fans from around the globe to promote this book, or when she toured for Breaking Dawn with a “rockstar” (Blue October’s Justin Furstenfeld). The Guide opens with her speaking with Shannon Hale, her best author friend (“baffy”), and the conversation reads like a chat, but it draws out some fascinating details about Meyer’s pre- and post-Twilight life. For instance, once ago, the second book to inspire Breaking Dawn could not be revealed, but Hale coasts to the subject and gets our answer and more. Fans might already know the story of Meyer’s infamous dream which inspired Twilight, but there’s a ton left to be known about the start of this Saga, and this author conversation sheds light on quite a few new gems.
Stephenie Meyer’s playlist for the Twilight Saga has long been public information, easily accessible on her website, but the exact correlation between these choices and the moments they are most tied to has never before been fully developed. Thanks to this section of the Guide, fans can now know that Muse’s “Time is Running Out” couples with Bella’s entry into the ballet studio in Twilight, for example. Pairing these song titles with direct quotes from the books really adds a certain mood to those lines, which is a very enjoyable feature of The Guide.
There are so many backstories and histories included in the Twilight Saga that it has been difficult for fans, at times, to get the precise timelines in order. However, The Guide spells it all out, once and for all. Also included are family trees for several of the characters, and this is useful for the same purpose. These sections effectuate The Guide’s purpose, which was to bring new information to fans who are intrigued by the finer details.
Some of Stephenie Meyer’s best interviews to date have taken place in the context of comfort; like when she promoted Eclipse by bringing in fansite representatives to scour the Twilight universe for lingering questions, or when she spoke to fans from around the globe to promote this book, or when she toured for Breaking Dawn with a “rockstar” (Blue October’s Justin Furstenfeld). The Guide opens with her speaking with Shannon Hale, her best author friend (“baffy”), and the conversation reads like a chat, but it draws out some fascinating details about Meyer’s pre- and post-Twilight life. For instance, once ago, the second book to inspire Breaking Dawn could not be revealed, but Hale coasts to the subject and gets our answer and more. Fans might already know the story of Meyer’s infamous dream which inspired Twilight, but there’s a ton left to be known about the start of this Saga, and this author conversation sheds light on quite a few new gems.
Stephenie Meyer’s playlist for the Twilight Saga has long been public information, easily accessible on her website, but the exact correlation between these choices and the moments they are most tied to has never before been fully developed. Thanks to this section of the Guide, fans can now know that Muse’s “Time is Running Out” couples with Bella’s entry into the ballet studio in Twilight, for example. Pairing these song titles with direct quotes from the books really adds a certain mood to those lines, which is a very enjoyable feature of The Guide.
There are so many backstories and histories included in the Twilight Saga that it has been difficult for fans, at times, to get the precise timelines in order. However, The Guide spells it all out, once and for all. Also included are family trees for several of the characters, and this is useful for the same purpose. These sections effectuate The Guide’s purpose, which was to bring new information to fans who are intrigued by the finer details.
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