Yesterday, the Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide was released. Fans were given new information about the characters of the saga and possibly a glimpse of the wedding dress that Kristen Stewart may wear in the movie.
As exciting this maybe to the fans, MTV and The Examiner has listed down 5 Thingsthat fans who havent purchased their copy can look forward to. has listed down the Richest Fictional Characters in film, comics and TV. Listed in 2nd place is the Cullen patriarch, Carlisle Cullen, who has amassed a fortune of $36.2 billion.
Here is a first look of James profile as it appears at the Twilight Illustrated Guide. James is the mate of Victoria, whom Edward killed in Eclipse. To view more, head over to the Twilight Facebook.
Entertainment Weekly has posted a sneak peak of Bella’s Wedding dress courtesy from the Twilight Saga:The Official Illustrated Guide. They have also posted the first image of Bella as a vampire.
In an interview with MTV News, Shiloh Fernandez talked about his comments about Kristen (which he made in Interview Magazine) and how it was taken out of context. He also talked about being considered for the role of Edward Cullen.
What would the scenario be if Twilight was in the Oscars? What categories would the Twilight Saga be nominated in? In an article by Ryan McKee of Next Movie, he explores the options that might be if Twilight was in the Oscars.
During the Oscars ceremony last night, a montage of Twilight, Harry, Potter, Social Network and Toy Story was shown. Here is the Twilight montage.
The Twilight Saga Soundtracks Vol. 1 has reached gold status according o the Recording Industry Association of America. The combined DVD and Blu-Ray Discs contains music videos and performances from the Twilight soundtracks.
After releasing the Edward, Bella and Jacob dolls, Tonner Doll Co. debuted the new Twilight dolls at this year’s Toy Fair 2011. The newest members to the collection are the Jasper and Alice action figures.