Timbaland wants Bella and Edward?

Tue, 20/10/2009 - 01:56 | by twilight-movie.org

MTV Shows

Its not a secret that musical artist Timbaland has mentioned before that his new album, Shock Value 2, was influenced by the world of Stephenie Meyer. In an interview with MTV last weekend, the Grammy winning rapper/producer has expressed a new idea for Bella and Edward – he wants them in his new music video. According to him, his new twist of the famous Twilight lovers will be nothing like we have ever seen before.

“I want the same characters of ‘Twilight,’ which I’ve almost got. If I get Bella and Edward, it would be [ideal],” he explained. “I’m gonna give a twist to it, though. It would be almost, kind of like, ‘Underworld,’ ” he explained. “Kind of like that movie, you won’t know what we are. You don’t know if we’re vampires, but we are something. You know what I’m saying?”

In his idea of combining Twilight and Underworld, Timbaland and new artist SoShy, will appear as vampires offering Edward piece of mind as he flees for Italy.

“We would protect her while he goes away from the other dude (Jacob) and the other people (the Cullens),” he said, comparing the plot to developments we’ll see in “New Moon” next month. “We was his last hope, he wouldn’t want to use us, the whole thing. If [Edward] calls us it would be a big payback — a big price to pay to call my team of people to protect her. It’s a whole little story line.”

“And I have part two to the single too,” Timbaland revealed, saying he’d hope to continue the plot in another video. “So it’s like a whole little story line to it.”

If this may shock some fans, dont worry. Timbaland is a vampire fan.

“I’ve watched that movie and I watch ‘True Blood’ a lot — both of the seasons,” he explained. “So I’m like, ‘Man, this could be real ill,’ because nobody’s ever done nothing with music that assimilates this. So it will have to be dark.

“It could be a little fun at the same time,” he promised Robsten, hoping they’ll want to join forces with him. “Still dark, but still fun.”


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