Twilight convention in Chicago

Sun, 04/10/2009 - 12:24 | by

Over the weekend, Creation Entertainment hosted the Official Twilight convention in Rosemont Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Twilight fans were able to rub shoulders with fellow Twilighters, purchase some official merchandise and participated in a question-and-answer portion with some stars from the films such as Mike Welch, Justin Chon and Tinsel Korey.

According Gary Berman, CEO of Creation Entertainment, Twilight conventions is one way for fans and stars to meet and interact with each other.

“This is a social event for fans who share a passion for the same subject matter: ‘Twilight’,” Berman said. “It is such a phenomenon and there are message board and Internet groups. This is a chance for the fans to meet face-to-face.”

For more information about the Twilight tours, head over to Twilight Convention.

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