Twilight fans are passionate about the franchise

Wed, 30/06/2010 - 17:34 | by

In a snippet of her interview with MTV, Bryce Dallas – Howard has revealed that Twilight fans are more passionate than the Spiderman fans. Bryce has appeared in the webslinger’s third outing where she played a rival to the hero’s affections. But Bryce is quick to clear that while Twilight fans are more passionate, the Spiderman fans are more sentimental about their franchise.

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“I feel, honestly, pressure being part of it because you don’t want to let anyone down,” Howard told MTV News recently. “People, myself included, have stayed up at night reading the books over and over and over again, and watching the films over and over and over again, and really loving it so, so intensely. Whereas ‘Spider-Man,’ people are sentimental about it, they love it and are into it and that kind of stuff. Whereas this is passionate.”

“[T]he role and the character have been established. It’s so important to honor that in terms of the storytelling,” she said. “When I do a film, I always have all these questions that I’m asking myself, and [for Victoria] someone has mastered that and answered all those questions. Why reinvent the wheel? She created an incredible character.”


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