Twilight: fastest selling book to reach one million copies

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 04:00 | by

The Twilight books have broken records in the UK.

According to book distributor Waterstone, the Twilight books are the fastest selling books to reach one million copies. The books were officially launch in the UK in March 2007, sold one million copies a little over two and a half-years – beating the previous record set by Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Sarah Clarke, buying manager for children’s books at Waterstone’s said: “This is by far the fastest climb to a million sales I’ve ever seen.

“Twilight was only published in March 2007 and it has taken off in a remarkably short time.

“Popular doesn’t even begin to describe it – the Twilight Saga is a phenomenon in its own right and like Harry Potter it has generated a global sensation that crosses several media.“

Ursula Mackenzie, CEO and publisher at Little, Brown, said that the success was down to broad appeal of Stephenie Meyer’s books.

“Her appeal is universal; she touches on themes – rebellion, angst, and finding your place in the world against tough odds – that resonate with girls and boys, teens and adults.

“I suspect this universality is the reason the Twilight Saga is so beloved.“


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