Wandering through the town of Forks

Wed, 04/11/2009 - 06:27 | by twilight-movie.org

The northwest town of Forks, Washington was a lumber jack town that was covered with green forest and beautiful landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula. Its a small town that is mainly dependent on its lumber industry until entered the Twilight zone.

When Stephenie Meyer used Forks as the setting for her vampire romance, the town didnt expect the flock of Twilighters flocking the area. Now, everyday a steady stream of Twilighters and even curious people, stop by the town to see what has captivated the imagination the author and its millions of readers.

Bryan Alexander of the Times UK visited town during Stephenie Meyer’s Day and here is an excerpt of his article:

“Fangs whitened here,” said the sandwich board along Highway 101. It was the first sign of our approaching destination. As the tiny two-lane highway rolled on, the blood-sucking puns increased. Finally, on the town’s outskirts, a plastic banner said: “Now entering the Twilight zone.”

Welcome to Forks, Washington, population 3,120, currently under siege by vampires.

For millions worldwide, the city name evokes the location of the belovedTwilight book series — Stephenie Meyer’s teenage vampire love stories that spawned equally passionate (if corny) movies. Just like the film’s stars that became overnight sensations, Forks, too, has undergone a seismic personality change.

The former hard-luck lumber town, four hours (and a ferry ride) west of Seattle, is now a star in its own right thanks to the hordes ofTwilight devotees who trek across the globe to pay their respects.

To read more of his article, click on the link above.


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