Wuthering Highs (yes, I mean Highs :))

Sun, 22/08/2010 - 05:38 | by Eyes of Amber

Yet another confession. I have not read Wuthering Heights. My high school's reading program was slightly different from the one in Forks, WA. So, even though the darn novel was mentioned probably a hundred times in Twilight, I still haven't until now ventured to brave the stormy waters of this classic piece of English literature. Published in 1847, the only novel of Charlote Brontë's sister, Emily. Although considered quite scandalous in it's time, it's never been out of print. But again, I haven't read it... yet.
What I did, was watched a 2-part TV drama starring Tom Hardy. And now, I confess again, I'm completely smitten with the dark and tortured Heathcliff. Even though I enjoyed quite recently Mr. Hardy's acting in Inception, I had no idea that he also starred as this famous literary character as well. If you haven't seen WH in this version, I highly recommend it (it's available for instant play on Netflix, btw, if you have it). Moreover, I fully intend to buy the new "twilightly" edition of the book (perhaps with a few others?)

Have you read it? Which video version do you prefer? Can't wait to hear what you have to say about it :)

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