Xavier Samuel & Teen Vogue

Fri, 13/11/2009 - 02:10 | by touchedbytwilight

Photo: Just Jared Jr.

Xavier Samuel checks out costar Dakota Fanning’s cover of Teen Vogue during his visit to the NYC offices this week.

The 26-year-old Eclipse star stopped by to chat about music, film and television. Check it:

On one of his fave bands of the moment: “I’m really into this new African band called The Very Best. There’s this amazing track on their album, The Warm Heart of Africa, called ‘Chikondi.’ It’s got that kind of magnetic feel to it.”

On becoming obsessed with Lost: “Bryce [Dallas Howard] actually got me a DVD set of Lost which I really want to get into. I don’t really watch that much these days, but I’ll admit I used to watch Dawson’s Creek and The O.C. growing up in Australia.”

On filming Eclipse in Vancouver: “Playing Riley was cool–I get to boss around a bunch of newborn vampires. I had a really good time hanging out with everyone in Vancouver. I play the guitar, so Jackson [Rathbone] and I had a few jams together–Rob [Pattinson] plays as well, he’s really good. It’s kind of awesome when you go to the other side of the world and find a bunch of people who are all into music and like the same bands as you.”

Check out Xavier’s full interview at TeenVogue.com.

Read more: http://justjaredjr.buzznet.com/2009/11/12/xavier-samuel-lost-boy/#ixzz0W...


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