
Enough...Fans just let it go!

I just read the Twilight Examiner’s article about enough already with the disparaging remarks against twilight fans. Here’s the deal: who cares?

They Like Stephanie Meyer Too!

On Stephanie Meyer's website, she mentions several of her favorite bands and it just so happens they like her too.
“…The guys in White Rabbits — whose album, It’s Frightening, Meyer very much
digs — have never met the author, but drummer Matt Clark considers himself a
fan, if only because his girlfriend convinced him to watch the movie.

Leah Clearwater: Julia Jones Interview Part !

Julia Jones who will be playing Leah Clearwater in movie 'Eclipse' which will be debuting on June 30, 2010, was interviewed by SEGN.
Some highlights include:

On Vanessa Hudgens rumored to be auditioning as Leah: “No. No truth to that.”

Stop Bashing Twilight!

That's it. Somebody has to say it. Enough with the passive aggressive Twilight fan-bashing already.

Werewolf Chaske Spencer Helps with Charity

Chaske Spencer who will be apart of the werewolf clan in 'New Moon,' was featured in HollywoodCrush article helping out in charity work. Aww, how nice of him.

A new look for PLT!

As you may have noticed, I have changed PLT's banner and color scheme to more of a New Moon than Twilight theme. About time, right?

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New Moon Poster of the Day

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Today's poster is by dean-winchester on deviantART.

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