One of our holiday giveaways, the "Bella's Oval Moonstone Ring Giveaway" from BellaBejeweled, ended yesterday.
Announcing our winner!
Our third holiday giveaway:
You can win your very own replica of Bella's Oval Moonstone Ring from BellaBejeweled in time for the holidays!
Here's how to win:
Kendi Jewlz offers a great selection of new Twilight & New Moon necklaces.
Charm Factory is sponsoring this week's giveaway.
Charm Factory specializes in sterling silver and wooden charms and lockets of every size and shape. They even have Twilight themed charms!
Thanks to everyone who entered our fabulous Twijewelry Giveaway in honor of our 200,000 + hits milestone!
Announcing...our Prom Necklace giveaway winner!!!
The lucky lady to win this gorgeous necklace is (Twitter username) RachelMFZ.
You can win BellaBejeweled's "Bella's Prom Necklace" (worth $20 buckaroos)!