Another day, another Robsten non-denial. We’re sorry, anti-Twilighters, because the next few weeks are going to be absolute hell for you.
Kristen Stewart chatted with Entertainment Weekly recently in Vancouver and had to attempt to answer the dreaded dating question—again.
“I probably would’ve answered it if people hadn’t made such a big deal about it,” K.Stew said. “But I’m not going to give the fiending an answer. I know that people are really funny about ‘Well, you chose to be an actor, why don’t you just f–king give your whole life away?! Can I have your firstborn child?’”
The most interesting part? How poor Rob tried to put in his two cents but was totally denied!
This is how EW brilliantly describes the interviewing scene:
“Pattinson himself, who clearly loathes confrontation, tried to softly interject with philosophical statements about the need for an actor to hold onto his individuality. But Stewart cut him off.”
Too funny—we love this no bulls–t girl. Here’s how Kristen ended the love talk:
“I’ve thought about this a lot,” she dished. “There’s no answer that’s not going to tip you one way or the other. Think about every hypothetical situation: ‘Okay, we are. We aren’t. I’m a lesbian.’ I’m just trying to keep something,”
We get it: Robsten wants to keep their crap private. So for anyone looking for that official confirmation (like we sometimes whine about, too), we’re not getting it. And tough s–t for us. But seriously, it’s pretty damn obvious by now whether Rob and Kristen “are or aren’t.”
Deep Twi tells us that Pattz and Stew are already “exhausted” by press and the personal questions that go along with it. Too bad these kids have a ways to go.
So how come Taylor Lautner manages to look so damn happy?
Not that we mind when he flashes those pearly whites (or abs), but still, this kid handles the media better than most stars out there.
Hang in there, Robsten!
From The Amazing Ted C.
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