[Jenny Jerkface here - Texas Katherine is still on a little bit of a hiatus, what with being busy raising future generations of wise-asses and all. However, because she endeavors to make the rest of us here at Twitarded look like procrastinating shitheads, she did leave us a few posts to put up in her absence. Thanks TK!]
I always wonder about movie clips that hit the cutting room floor. Were they better or worse than what we saw on the big screen? Why do some scenes make it in & some don't? Why do my roots grow out really fast, but my hair never seems to get longer? These are all questions I need to know the answer to.
The first time I saw Twilight, I was totally in the moment when we were in Edward's bedroom. (Notice how I inserted myself into that situation.) Then, he flew out the window like Peter Pan and said "You better hold on tight, spider monkey." What just happened here? Catherine Hardwicke apparently gave Rob several options for that line and the spider monkey one is the line he picked. WHAT WERE THE OTHERS? What on earth could have been worse than that?
Here are several alternative lines off the top of my head:
Those are my options; now I'd like to hear your theories.
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