Bryce: The cast welcomed me into their family

Sat, 19/12/2009 - 09:21 | by

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

MTV has posted another segment of their interview with Bryce Dallas – Howard where the red-haired actress talked about coming into an established cast and being welcomed into the family.

MTV: It’s no secret that you entered the franchise under less-than-ideal circumstances. What kinds of things did the other actors say and do in those early days?

Bryce Dallas Howard: What’s so great about that group of people is that they feel so genuinely blessed by this experience. Just by the response of the fans. But they’ve remained so grounded, and their friendships are genuine. I just felt really, really fortunate to get to meet all these wonderful people.

MTV: Kristen Stewart recently told us that you were “such a good actress” during the “Eclipse” shoot that “it was easy to be scared” of you. What were your thoughts working with her while she continued to develop such an iconic role?

Howard: Kristen is fantastic and so, so passionate about this role and this character. First, as a fan of the books it was such a relief to go onto set and see how seriously everyone was taking it. And, yeah, Kristen was incredible to work with, incredible.

MTV: You were a “Twilight” fan before you even got the role. In your opinion, which of Stephenie Meyer’s books is the best?

Howard: I love these books, and “Eclipse” for me is [the best one]; I’m partial to “Eclipse.” And that was true even before “Twilight” came out.

To read the rest of her interview, click on the link above.


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