Can New Moon Jacob win our hearts?

Fri, 18/09/2009 - 11:57 | by Eyes of Amber

The highlight of Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards for most of us was the extended New Moon trailer. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a lot of material there that caught me by surprise. There just are no words for the scenes of Edward and the Volturi. Seeing more of the wolves’ transformations was amazing as well. It looks like Chris Weitz has done a fabulous job with all the visual effects. There are really so many things to write about from that trailer, but today I want to focus on just one…Jacob.

I feel for posterity I must make a statement as to where my loyalties lie. I consider myself a total Bella. I love Jacob and Edward both, but if I had to choose, Edward would be the one I couldn’t give up, couldn’t live without. I was completely anti-Jacob through my first reading of all the books, even Breaking Dawn. But by the time I’d read them all three times, especially New Moon, I had fallen for him too. I encourage everyone to give New Moon at least a second reading if not a third. You see so much more of what he really is and does for Bella and how much he cares for her. You see that in a world without Edward, Jacob could have made Bella truly happy. But luckily for us all, her world was not without Edward.

We’ve looked at casting questions lately, and the fact that there was a point in time Summit considered recasting the role of Jacob seems ridiculous now. I may not have originally thought Taylor Lautner was right for the part, but he won me over in Twilight and the press junkets. I mean, who could miss that nasty chemistry between Edward and Jacob at the prom scene? I totally supported Taylor keeping the role and I think he has proven that he has what it takes to bring the Jacob of New Moon to life. So after seeing some of the pictures, the trailers and watching interviews, I can’t help but wonder. Will movie Jacob be harder for Team Edward to resist than book Jacob was?

Before you throw heavy pointed objects at me, take a moment to really think about it. We felt Bella’s pain in the books. How much more intense will it be to see that on the big screen when we cannot walk away from it? How much more will we want Jacob to be able to offer her some kind of healing while Edward is away? And when Jacob leans into that car and begs her not to go, to stay for him, how will our hearts not break? I think that there are a lot of fans out there who have long ignored Jacob’s character in the books that will have to really see who and what he was to Bella for the very first time.

I think that this movie is meant to make us all fall in love with Jacob. Not to fall out of love with Edward, but just to feel that pull toward Jacob too. I mean, if we don’t feel what Bella feels for them both, how will we get the huge emotional impact of what Bella goes through in Eclipse? So for those of you who are afraid that viewers who haven’t read the books will fall head over heels for Jacob and think he’s the right choice for Bella after seeing this movie, I think that’s okay. Because we all know who she chooses in the end, and doesn’t it just make her love for Edward seem all that much stronger when we comprehend how much she gave up when she chose him over Jacob.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, but please play nice in the comments and remember that first and foremost, we are all Team Twilight.

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