Team Edward

Customize your Team Edward/Team Jacob gear from Cafe Press!

Tue, 22/06/2010 - 18:19 | by peacelovetwilight

You can customize your Team Edward or Team Jacob products (tees, water bottles, shirts, bags, etc.) with your name at Cafe Press! Just use the widget above.

Eclipse chapter by chapter

Fri, 18/12/2009 - 14:10 | by Eyes of Amber

It’s been almost a month since New Moon hit theaters and just over six months until Eclipse does the same. A few weeks ago Kerry, my wonderful blogging partner, noticed that the number of weeks and chapters in Eclipse matched up just right. So she came up with the idea to do an Eclipse book discussion, chapter by chapter. But we didn’t want this to be just your average book discussion. We decided to do it as a panel. So once a week, the panel gets together online to chat.

Eclipse chapter by chapter

Fri, 18/12/2009 - 14:10 | by Eyes of Amber

It’s been almost a month since New Moon hit theaters and just over six months until Eclipse does the same. A few weeks ago Kerry, my wonderful blogging partner, noticed that the number of weeks and chapters in Eclipse matched up just right. So she came up with the idea to do an Eclipse book discussion, chapter by chapter. But we didn’t want this to be just your average book discussion. We decided to do it as a panel. So once a week, the panel gets together online to chat.

On the canvas they live her love

Sun, 15/11/2009 - 22:51 | by TwilightIsabell...

On Saturday the big fan party with the stars of Twilight took place. Only recently the director of the first part of the vampire's saga still blew up the bomb: „Yes, Robert and Kristen have got closer to themselves.“ Officially the dear rumours were confirmed never by the actors, however. Robert Pattinson (23) stated even recently during an interview with the picture that he is a single.

Can New Moon Jacob win our hearts?

Fri, 18/09/2009 - 11:57 | by Eyes of Amber

The highlight of Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards for most of us was the extended New Moon trailer. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a lot of material there that caught me by surprise. There just are no words for the scenes of Edward and the Volturi. Seeing more of the wolves’ transformations was amazing as well. It looks like Chris Weitz has done a fabulous job with all the visual effects. There are really so many things to write about from that trailer, but today I want to focus on just one…Jacob.

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