Christopher Heyerdahl on being Marcus and part of the Volturi

Tue, 17/11/2009 - 01:09 | by

In a new interview, Christopher Heyerdahl talked about his character Marcus and him being involved in the Twilight Saga. Here is an excerpt of his interview:

How do you find Twilight fans differ from the typical sci-fi fanatic? What makes them special?

Well, so far — and I say so far because I have a feeling that afterNew Moon the demographic is going to change dramatically. I think that guys are going to be able to accept it without losing face.

Ah, you’re referring to the action scenes?

Yeah, absolutely. It’s pretty sexy, masculine stuff, I tell ya’, with the Volturi coming in, and the Wolf Pack. But so far it’s basically a female fanbase and I think that women allow themselves to admit to the world — guys have a harder problem, though I think not so deep down we’re just as into it as anybody else — that whole idea of very dangerous, sensual, animalistic, pure, everlasting love. It seems to be young women and their mothers. Twi-moms have invaded the scene! It’s been a lot of fun — and there’s been an interesting amount of crossover. There’ve been a lot of people who’ve come down to talk to me [at sci-fi conventions], you know, sci-fi fans, and they know me from these other things I’ve done and also are extremely passionate aboutTwilight, so there seems to be some crossover there as well.

What are some of the more memorable fan encounters you’ve seen working on New Moon?

(Laugh) There was a girl in Chicago. I did an appearance in Chicago and there was a young girl there, it was very sweet. Literally every time she saw one of us she couldn’t speak. She’d sit there with this smile on her face and you’d see slowly she’d start to tremble, and then she would start to giggle, and then she would start to jump up and down, and she just giggled and jumped. That’s all she did.

She was about 15. She was a very, very sweet young girl. It was very funny. She could not speak. Cameron Bright [who plays Alec, another member of the Volturi] was there, and she’d just go ‘He’s s-o-o-o c-u-u-ute.’

So she wasn’t totally mute, then.

Well, she could only say something about someone who wasn’t there. If she was in their presence, I’d be like, ‘He’s right there, go talk to him, he’s a nice guy.’ ‘Oh no, he’s so c-u-u-ute.’ So it’s very sweet, very sweet.

To read more of his interview, click on the link above.


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