Edward vs. Jacob: Who will win?

Tue, 17/11/2009 - 11:29 | by twilight-movie.org

Fancast were able to interview Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson, where they talked about the competition between their characters: Edward vs. Taylor.

“We were actually discussing this on set, it’s funny,” Lautner answered. “Who would win in a fight between Jacob and Edward? Because there’s a scene outside Bella’s house where Edward grabs my shoulder and Jacob doesn’t take that so takes his arm and rips it off, and that moment Jacob would transform into a wolf. And we’re having this discussion – it got really deep. We were like, ‘if I were to poof into a wolf right now, what would happen? Who would win?’ Our discussion points were we’re usually with our pack, so if I’m without my pack am I going to be weaker? Honestly, I don’t know. That discussion is still up in the air. We should probably get Stephenie Meyer on the line and ask her.”

As far as the real-life fight goes, Rob is less confident. “I did hear, the other day, that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. I don’t think I’d ever agree to that. And, after looking at Taylor’s martial arts videos from when he was, like, nine, I wouldn’t really want to do anything. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon.”

Also, Fancast had an interview with the Wolf pack, where they talk about taking off their shirts, joining the franchise and many more. Here is an excerpt of their interview:

“It was in the contract. ‘Beware, you’re going to be objectified,’” Meraz jokes. “It wasn’t awkward. By the time we got to start filming, we had already been working out shirtless. You know, it’s like a costume. It really is. You wear it, you don it and you own it. You can’t be intimidated about your body. That’s not the time to be doing that, when that little red light’s blinking and you’re being filmed.” When Spencer smiles and adds “whatever puts the ladies in seats,” Meraz laughs. “That’s what we’ve been telling guys. ‘Guys, watch the film, because your girlfriends will be watching it.’”

To read the rest of their interview, click on the link above.


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